From Small to Giant: The Evolution of Artificial Christmas Trees

Christmas is a time of year that brings joyful anticipation and joyous warmth to the hearts of individuals across the globe. From families gathering around the fireplace, singing carols and decorating their tree, to children eagerly awaiting Santa’s arrival on Christmas morning, it is a season that embraces a spirit of togetherness and magic. One major element of the holiday season is the Christmas tree, which has been symbolic of hope, family and celebration since its earliest beginnings. Today’s modern artificial Christmas trees have come a long way from their humble beginnings; they now take many shapes and sizes–including the iconic giant artificial Christmas tree.

Giant artificial Christmas trees are an eye-catching attraction that bring an element of awe to any holiday event or celebration. These trees can be seen in nearly every public place during this festive season, from malls to town squares to outdoor events like concerts or parades. They range in size from huge structures as tall as thirty feet or higher to smaller but still impressive versions standing at twenty feet or taller. Regardless of size, these striking displays help bring out the spirit of Christmas with their vibrant colors and sparkling lights.

The popularity of giant artificial Christmas trees has had an influence on popular culture and art throughout history. During World War II, for example, some churches banned decorations due to rationing restrictions; however, giant artificial Christmas trees were often used as a source of hope during this difficult period for many families. In recent years, these enormous displays have appeared in various films and television shows such as Sleepless in Seattle (1993), Elf (2003), Home Alone (1990) and more recently How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000).


Jingle Bell Rock: A Holiday Classic Inspired by Artificial Trees

In addition to influencing popular culture, giant artificial Christmas trees have also had an impact on art over the decades. In 1979 sculptor Rudolph Weisenborn designed several neon glowing sculptures entitled “Jingle Bell Rock” for Rockefeller Center in New York City – one being a thirty-foot tall giant artificial christmas tree towering over skaters below it on the ice rink below. This work was reprised again in 2007 when similar sculptures were installed permanently at Rockefeller Plaza each featuring iconic elements like stars, snowflakes and bells creating a dazzling display sure to evoke childhood memories for all those who see it.

Moreover, some cities have even erected their own permanent giant artificial Christmas trees as public works projects intended to create an atmosphere of cheer throughout their town centers during this festive season; two notable examples being Lillehammer’s ‘Ice Tower’ (built between 1992-1994) which stands sixty five meters high covered with over 150 000 LED bulbs which light up each night giving off twinkling reflections from its icicle-like surface –and Brasov’s ‘Tree Of Lights’ built in 2008 which stands forty two meters tall made up of 8 hundred lights with aluminum structure gives off sparkling effects each evening visible all across town center making it truly unique sight to behold!

It is clear that giant artificial christmas trees have left an indelible mark on both popular culture and art throughout history –from providing inspiration during WWII era rationing restrictions all through modern day movies/television shows & grand installations around city centers worldwide – they are undoubtedly here to stay! Whether you’re looking for something truly magical during this season -or simply wanting to add some sparkle to your community – these mammoth decorations will certainly do just that!